
Our Mission

The preservation and protection of health by the provision of Fire, Rescue vehicles and equipment to The Gambia enabling them to provide a life saving and humanitarian service.

To advance education in relation to all aspects of preserving and protecting health for the benefit of the public of The Gambia.

GAFSIP exists firstly because of the vision, pragmatism and stoic support of the elected members of Avon Fire Authority, who are donating redundant fire vehicles and equipment for use in The Gambia and secondly because of voluntary, professional contributions from staunch supporters in the Fire and Rescue Service.

Generally, the disposal value of those items is minimal and, in some cases, a cost would be incurred for safe disposal here in the UK. But recycling through GAFSIP provides the hardware for the provision of a basic service in The Gambia.

Avon Fire Authority sets an example of how a UK Public Authority can provide valuable support to a developing nation by handing over redundant equipment, which in this case helps to save lives and alleviate suffering